Business Research and Administration Innovation (BRAIN) is a national, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal, which is published by Faculty of Social science and law , Universitas Negeri Makassar As a medium of interaction for academic community, practitioners and other related parties about their research results and new thoughts in the fields of  business, management and entrepreneurship, BRAIN publishes quarterly (April, August, and December). Therefore, BRAIN publishes high quality manuscripts, in form of empirical papers (priority).  So far, BRAIN has been indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Science and Technology Index (Sinta) and Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA).


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Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): BRAIN - DESEMBER

Published: 2024-12-11

The Influence Of Differentiation On Customer Satisfaction Of Toyota Car Avanza Users at PT. Hadji Kalla Alauddin Branch Makassar City

St Sarah Ramadhani Bahar, Muh. Nur Yamin, Risma Niswaty, Andi Mahdiana Mardatillah | Pages: 93-100

Community Based Tourism Development Strategy

Arma Arman, Muh. Nur Yamin, Bakhtiar, Muh. Luthfi Siraj | Pages: 101-112

The Influence of Cyberloafing on Employee Performance at the Cooperatives and SMEs Office of South Sulawesi Province

Aqilla Fadia Herman, Haedar Akib, Sirajuddin Saleh, Andi Muhammad Rivai | Pages: 121-130
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